Profit Share Mastery Podcast

Building An Army of Wealth Determiners

Episode Summary

In this episode of the Profit Share Mastery Podcast, Linda and Pres McKissack discuss the importance of building multiple streams of income and the concept of wealth determiners.

Episode Notes

Profit share can be a monthly recurring revenue stream that allows individuals to work because they want to, not because they have to. Linda and Pres McKissack share personal examples of wealth determiners in their own downlines and provide action steps for listeners to grow their downlines and nurture their wealth determiners. They emphasize the impact of changing lives through profit share and encourage listeners to share the podcast and attend one of the upcoming Profit Share Classes, which you can register for at


1. Building multiple streams of income is essential for financial freedom.

2. Wealth determiners are individuals whose activities build your wealth.

3. Profit share can be a powerful monthly recurring revenue stream.

4. Growing your downline and nurturing wealth determiners is key to building an army of wealth determiners.

5. Changing lives through profit share is a rewarding opportunity.

6. Action items and next steps include growing your first level, hosting a Profit Share mastermind, sharing the podcast, and attending the Profit Share Class.